Please help, I have a question
Hi, I had my DS on 11/10/10. My periods have been like clockwork since then. I had a period in Feb. but not in Mar. I had a vey scant amount of spotting that would have been perfect timing for implantation spotting. I have had no symptoms except for maybe feeling bloated. I BROKE 2 home tests. 1 did NOTHING at all. The other well... the control window had a blue line, and the other whole window turned blue. I went to see my PCP Monday and had a neg. urine test. She said there was no need to do a blood test when I asked her. Is there still a chance I could be pregnant? Would really like someone elses thoughts on this please.">
I should have started 3/24.">
Thank you. I appriciate the advise very much.">
(deactivated member)
on 4/4/12 10:28 pm - Woodbridge, VA
on 4/4/12 10:28 pm - Woodbridge, VA
I had THREE negative home pregnancy tests but still knew somthing was up, so I went for a blood test. Blood test confirmed I was at least 6 WEEKS pregnant! No idea why peeing on a stick did not work for me.
I'm with Jill I had 5 negatives with this pregnancy, 2 negatives from the Doc, Just to humor me she put a dopler to my belly and thump thump thump was a heart beat that obviously wasnt mine. Sent me for ultrasound and I was almost 3months preggo I would insist on the blood work if you feel absolutely sure somethings up with you it couldnt hurt. We know when theres a foreign feeling in our bodies always insist be your own advocate

Make a pregnancy ticker"> src="" alt="pregnancy due date" border="0" />
I go back to the doc on the 16th. She said if no AF by then then she will do a blood test. That would put me 6-7 weeks. I am so very grateful for ya'll and your advise. And BTW congrats Jill.">
Urine tests are not always accurate. It takes a higher HCG level to show up on a urine test. The blood test measures the exact HCG level in your blood. If you still dont have AF in a few days, I would demand a blood test. If you are not PG then there might be something else going on that you will need addressed.